Tuesday, June 21, 2011

WTF!!! - Lupe Fiasco

C'Mon Son
(In my EdLover Voice)

No one can hold you back as good as yourself... 
"Obama is the biggest terrorist" stated Lupe Fiasco at an event on June 7th. If that is not bad enough he then goes on the O'Reilly Factor and sets the rapper back to slavery days. O'Reilly already does not respect you as man and you go on the show and prove him right. Is this not the same man who attacked Ludacris on his Pepsi deal. C'mon son. Can't say i'm a big Lupe Fiasco fan, and now... 
Check out the video and tell me what you think.
I maybe wrong...

2116222229 by yardie4lifever2

Quick Note: Lasers is a pretty decent album. So if this is all for publicity and album sales,  have we run out of ideas...

1 comment:

  1. Oldschool artist Master Ace has come out on twitter and given his 2 cents. Check it out...

    Even Bill O'Reilly knows @LubeFiasco is a FOOL! i know a lot of yall rock wit this clown, #IDONTGETIT

    Let's b clear. I am the biggest conspiracy theorist I kno. I hav always been distrustful of the gov't. I am far from a flag waver

    ...But if u ppl don't recognize the 'ima say something controversial to boost record sales' ploy, yall r as lost as @LupeFiasco smarten up
