Thursday, July 7, 2011

Casey Innocent!!! Part 2

Casey has been sentenced to 4 consecutive years in jail. Being that she already served almost 3 and has good behavior on her side... She will possibly be released this or next month. Now if you watched this on the news you caught a glimpse of crowd reaction. Well to add my 2 cents... People are really funny. The prosecution could not fully prove their case and did not seek other penalties. So why slander the judge and jury. There is nothing saying 100% that "she" murdered Caylee and that's it. You can not convict someone just because. So please calm down people and focus your energy more positively.  SO MANY THINGS WE CAN DO. THINK!!! Or you'll end up just like Casey, making dumb ___ decisions. 


  1. The nanny and other's need to sue her for slander.

  2. Not sure if this is correct. But i'm hearing she will be RELEASED next wednesday...

  3. Well not wednesday... but soon.
