Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Dysfunction Of Urban Culture (TDOUC)

Unable to work together, Unwilling to trust each other & secretly jealous of anyone who excels past our own success. These are the dysfunction's  of urban culture. At least in my life. Why is it we secretly despise our own only to glorify any outside influence, no matter how relevant. We judge success in fame first and dollars next. We see growth in our own but do not wish to help anyone excel past the point of financial and/or mental stability. We are more interested in watching our own prove us wrong and then brood in the fact that they have left us behind. A very interesting cycle I am determined to debunk and explain. Is it the lack of culture in Black society that is rubbing off on our urban neighbors. Is it the constant barrage of negative TV that plays every morning. Is it the lack of interest in our majority to work towards our "own" success?
Laws and Financial matters have been made so difficult to comprehend. Continuously re-affirmed through yearly tax preparations that we pay others to do and contracts from companies that we must say yes to only to use product's we don't truly need. A constant discouragement and reminder of the lack of tools needed to fully motivate our knowledge and understanding.

We have been raised to secretly hate each other. From age old joke telling like "Yo mama jokes" to constantly laughing at others financial misfortune. Our main form of art now being hip hop dictates these characteristics daily. Even when money is not a factor we still have distain for each other. We build ourselves up to be higher than those around us even though we are only specs of dust on the radar of reality. 

So now having read this. What is your opinion and how do we eliminate this need to outdo each other and define ourselves in society or are we really internally happy with our own struggles. 

Let me know as I continue to research and get to the bottom of this age old epidemic. The Dysfunction Of Urban Culture...

Written By: Lord Jnx


  1. I think it goes back to the person and how they view themselves (insecurities)... besides the historical afflection on our culture to be oppress and afflect pain on ourselves. We are brainwash with hatred of ourselves and that we are nothing special. Along, breaking our bond as a people to uplift each other, through slavery and the misfortune of time. We need knowledge and true happiness to be spread through our culture to appreciate others and contribute to society in positve ways.
