Monday, August 29, 2011

Black Man Sexuality !?!

Being an avid HBO sunday fan I miss many award shows and have to look up information at a later date. So upon my morning research I came upon an article on Coco&Creme (A site I found through Google). It starts out talking about artist Lil Wayne's attire on the VMA's. Sagging leopard print leggings, red & yellow kicks (alternate black & white laces) with blue boxers... For this i will reserve comment... As the article goes on though, it begins to open up into a bigger story and finishes with the quote:

When will black men have the freedom to dress without their masculinity being under attack?

-Jessica C. Andrews

I'm not sure the Lil Wayne outfit is the best way to bring up this topic (lol) but seriously it does have to be said. There are so many unwritten restrictions on Black male dress and etiquette that I feel we tend to create clones more than individuals. Now that being said I am very interested in knowing your opinion. We are about to air our newest Project TV program The Wake-uP Ft. Mr. Jnx & Belinda (of & Bronxnet). A live commentary of what is going on in the public eye and behind the scene's in our urban societies. It is also a Live forum where you, the viewer have say in what goes on. Follow us on twitter or use our chat room to interact with our hosts and guests. More than your average commentary. So get your thoughts ready. More info to come soon. Show's to air Sundays 2pm EST on 
Seriously!!! The VMA's!!!
(Even though them pants could probably buy me a car... Nah. Lol)

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