Thursday, October 20, 2011

Ghaddafi Reign Is Over...

Well it seems Col. Muammar Ghaddafi (Check BCC News for info and video about Ghaddafi) has been killed. Captured alive and then pronounced dead on the way to a hospital... His 42 year one man reign has come to an end. Wether you are against his ethics or a sympathizer he was dragged out of his hiding spot and beat and killed like a dog. Though even with video of him begging for his life & his dead body being dragged around town and disrobed the piece of information interesting to me was that he was caught hiding. Just like a young boy playing hide and seek. Similar to Bin Laden. Ghaddafi 69 was found hiding in a drainage pipe. Think about it... All that SO CALLED POWER and he died...
 like... "a rat".... 
Use your VOICE and not your WEAPONS
(Check Reuter's & The Guardian for In Depth Articles)
(Check BCC News for info and video about Ghaddafi)

Should anyone be treated this way!?!?!

Check out this interview with Ghadffi

Bin Laden, Ghaddafi, Saddam Hussein... When will it end?

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