Sunday, July 3, 2011


Ok this trend has caught on like wildfire. Even in the club... lol. The question is where did it come from? Could something so simple and for some reason so addictive be related to slavery? Well this is a current debate. Articles are popping up all over about this. They are relating the word planking to the way slaves were strapped to planks of wood and made to lie down with arms at their sides. 
No restrooms, food or even space to move for days.
 Just the thought will makes me sick for hours, But is this really the origin of this new trend? Or is somebody trying stir up trouble just because. Well it's up for debate. Tell me what you think? I think I'll hold my planking ideas for a bit, but here are some current celebrities showing off there Planking skills.
Rosario Dawson
Big Sean
Dwight Howard & Gilbert Arenas
Justin Dior Combs & Quincy Brown Combs
I think you got the point.
!!!!Please be careful!!!!
& Enjoy

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