Wednesday, October 24, 2012

TDOUC: Motivation

We as people are always complaining… 
About the weather, gas prices, about other's like who's got what & even ourselves. Forgetting the intangibles, how many of us actually work to change our own situation? Not just verbally repeat it, over and over. Not to just try… but to actually do. Most people I know including myself sometimes rather continue to complain and blame their current situation on something or someone else. 
Could it be that deep down inside we are satisfied with who and what we are and it's society that thinks differently? 
What about lack of motivation or maybe even the simple fear of failing keeping us trapped?
No matter how you look at it. If you're reading this and you're sincerely looking for change… Then it's time to step up to the plate and keep swinging until you hit that home run straight out the park.
If you think society is wrong then prove your point. Not to the world, but to yourself. If you're not motivated... 
work on it & don't quit no matter what 
(Here's a few tips I found helpful - Click Here
& If you're scared of failing and don't try then you have already failed. There is nothing wrong with failing... 
nobody is perfect... 
even the so called best of us, fail repeatedly. 
Only to get back up & try again
The biggest piece to any of these situations is to learn from your mistakes, work on learning from them & not letting the same thing happen again. 

A wise man once told me
"Make sure you learn something new everyday... 
No matter what"
His name is Kenneth Feld...

These words have become my motivation 
and this blog my outlet. 
So just like you... 
I'm a work in progress.

Let's make History 
Your Story

Written By: LordJnx

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