Wednesday, August 24, 2011

WakeUpWorld !!!

Ok we have been through 9/11 and more. Now a 5.9 magnitude earthquake has hit Virginia stretching throughout the east coast and cell phone service is again was disrupted. This is an atrocity. We pay absorbent amounts on cell phone service not including the outrageous taxes and this is the service we get. If you have 10,000 subscribers then 10.000 subscribers should have access at all times. If not, why brag about your exceptional service and great deals. We as consumers need to wake up and make a stand. Stop giving your hard earned money to these business's that sell you dreams and provide you with worthless plastic and silicone shells. The technology is here, why not use it. Instead of rationing out un-finished technology with daily updates and new models every 3 months. Stop solely capitalizing and profiting off of  non finished innovations and start creating things that work. You'll make a fortune regardless. 
Well tell us what you think. You can also check Bloomberg for more info. 

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