Friday, August 26, 2011

Hurricane Precautions

With Hurricane Irene approaching. There are some things you need to know! Here are a few.

Basic Hurricane Do's & Dont's:

-Gather Water & Supplies for Approx a week
(Do Not Drink Tap Water until you know it is not contaminated)

-Make sure You Have Flashlights & Batteries

-Board Windows with wood

(Do Not Tape Windows - It Will NOT help)
(Do Not Open A window - It will only allow Air to enter and build up pressure)

-Charge all generators and back up power supplies (Even Car Battery devices - some can power radios and lights)

-Clear away all things outside (& inside) that may fly away and cause a hazard.

-Keep vehicles gas full incase invacuation is called for

Check The Following Sites For More Info & Tips.
(NY Residents) Bloomberg (Eveywhere) CTPost & SearchWarp 

Get up to date Hurricane info at InFlexWeTrust Shouts 2 @TatWza

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