Wednesday, May 8, 2013

#PureHilarity Charles Ramsey Parody Contest !!!

Late This Summer
Get Ready
A program dedicated to jokes & all that is funny. Including a parody segment chosen and/or created by it's audience as well as in-house skits and projects by professional comics you know & love. Here is our first step into getting the public involved. We have taken the viral Charles Ramsey interview and chopped it up to create something NEW. Now we did this on the fly with limited time so we are asking you the viewer to interpret this in your own way, make it funny and submit it (Use ProjectTV page submission box at the bottom of the page to send links & info). The best will be aired on the 1st episode of "Pure Hilarity" coming late this summer. So until then check out the video below... Then get creative 
& keep smiling 

If you need any help, don't hesitate to drop us a note in the submission box and someone will get back to you ASAP

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