Monday, December 19, 2011

New Age Slavery ...

While logging into my now new gmail account (based on the new Google+ platform). I'm reminded, we are truly living in a disposable economy. Upgrade and New Model have become all to familiar phrases. Every 3 months to a year all you have purchased (with your hard earned money) is re-released and improved. Change is forced down our throats these days. Companies market products and/or brands that continuously change or upgrade.
(SIDE NOTE: Faster than we upgrade ourselves)
What happens when we no longer create products or brands that are what they claim to be, only to update them later. No longer can you take an electronic item out of the box and just have it work. We are capitalizing off the idea stages and not the actual product. Consumers are being sucked into obsessing over the next upgrade after purchasing the older inferior model. Then we complain that we are broke and struggle towards the next material upgrade. 
Remember we as consumers dictate what is sold and how. 
Start using your power as an individual to watch what you purchase and make the industry conform to you and not the other way around.
We have become more focused on what the new iphone will possess rather than what knowledge and riches a new day will hold. It's time to wake up. 
Before we find ourselves trapped in 
New Age Slavery.

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